Most people don't realize the high risk of becoming permanently or temporarily disabled at some point in their lives. If you were totally disabled 和 couldn't work as a result of an illness or injury, 你今天有足够的资源来支付几个星期的开支吗, 个月, 甚至更久?
- It pays monthly income directly to you when you're unable to work because of a covered total disability.
- You choose the length of time you must be disabled before you start receiving benefits (Elimination Period) 和 the length of time you would receive benefits.
- 选项包括五年的福利期或“至67岁”的福利选项.
- Maximum monthly benefit amounts range from $500 to $20,000, based on your income 和 occupation.
- 您可以根据不同的骑手定制您的pp王者电子官网范围.
- The average Social 安全 残疾 Income (SSDI) monthly benefit as of October 2021 was $1,每月441英镑(合17美元),每年292).1
- 2021年两口之家的贫困线为17240美元.2
- 根据美国劳工统计局的数据,到2020年3月,35%的美国人在美国工作.S. 劳动力有长期残疾pp王者电子官网.3
- 支付账单
- 支付你的房租或抵押贷款
- 买食品杂货
- 支付汽车贷款
储蓄 accounts can serve as a temporary safety net, but most people haven't 保存d enough. 残疾政策可以提供一个长期的解决方案. 40 percent of households don't have enough savings to replace their income for three 个月.4
Because the definition of disability is very strict (the disability must be expected to last 12 个月 or more, 或者导致死亡), it generally takes three to five 个月 from time of application for SSDI benefits to get an initial decision.5
有关长期伤残pp王者电子官网的更多资料,请浏览 短期伤残pp王者电子官网安排一些时间 国营农场® 代理 谈谈你的伤残pp王者电子官网需求.
1 社会保障每月统计快照,2021年10月
2 美国卫生与公众服务部2021年贫困指南
3 劳工统计局
4 残疾的统计数据
5 Social 安全 Administration - What You Should Know Before You Apply for Social 安全 残疾 Benefits
The information provides a brief, general description of the coverage provided by these policies. 它不是合同,适用某些排除和限制. 所提供的pp王者电子官网范围的完整说明只能在pp王者电子官网单本身找到. 保单的覆盖范围、排除范围和限制在某些州可能有所不同.
长期伤残pp王者电子官网系列97064, 97065 (policy form ICC17 97064IC1 和 ICC17 97065IC1 in ID; policy form 97064MT (2017) 和 97065MT (2017) in MT).
This section describes situations 和 conditions in which payment will be limited or denied even if you otherwise qualify for benefits.
AK, AL, AR, AZ, CT, CO, DC, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NE, NH, NM, NV, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV -
除外责任. This policy does not provide benefits for disability or any other loss caused or contributed to by:
1. Normal pregnancy 和 childbirth; however, 妊娠并发症, 由医生诊断的, 被视为疾病;
2. 宣战或未宣战的战争,或任何战争行为;
3. 现役军人在武装部队中服役, 辅助单位, 国民警卫队, 或任何国家或国际机构的类似政府组织;
4. 您参与重罪、暴乱或暴动的实施;
5. 你从事非法职业;
6. 你的法定醉酒由损失发生的州法律规定, 或因使用麻醉品或其他管制药物而造成的损失, 除非根据医生的建议服用;
7. Injury or sickness that results from cosmetic surgery except: reconstructive surgery when the surgery is incidental to or follows surgery resulting from trauma, 感染, 或相关部位的其他疾病, 和 reconstructive surgery because of congenital disease or anomaly resulting in a functional defect;
8. A period of legal incarceration in a penal or correctional institution of more than seven (7) days or during a period of legal detainment of more than seven (7) days;
9. 企图自杀或故意自残; or
10. The suspension, surrender, or revocation of your occupational license or certificate.
限制. 以下限制适用于本保单:
1. 精神或神经紊乱. The total amount payable under this policy for any period of disability caused or contributed to by a mental or nervous disorder shall not exceed a cumulative lifetime maximum of 24 个月. If you are a resident patient in a hospital when this lifetime maximum is reached, this limitation will not apply while you remain continuously confined provided that the confinement is medically necessary to the treatment of your mental or nervous disorder. This limitation will not extend the maximum benefit period shown on the policy schedule.
2. 既存状况限制. 我们不会为因既存疾病而造成的损失支付赔偿金, unless such loss occurs or disability commences two (2) years or more after the effective date of coverage.
3. 并发残疾. If a continuous period of disability is caused or is continued by more than one (1) injury or sickness, 这是一种并发的残疾. Benefits for a concurrent disability will be paid as if the concurrent disability was caused by one (1) injury or one (1) sickness. In no event will you be considered to have more than one (1) continuous period of disability at the same time.
CA –
除外责任. This policy does not provide benefits for disability or any other loss caused or contributed to by:
1. Normal pregnancy 和 childbirth; however, 妊娠并发症, 由医生诊断的, 被视为疾病;
2. 宣战或未宣战的战争,或任何战争行为;
3. 现役军人在武装部队中服役, 辅助单位, 国民警卫队, 或任何国家或国际机构的类似政府组织;
4. 您参与重罪、暴乱或暴动的实施;
5. 你从事非法职业;
6. 你的法定醉酒由损失发生的州法律规定, 或因使用麻醉品或其他管制药物而造成的损失, 除非根据医生的建议服用;
7. Injury or sickness that results from cosmetic surgery except: reconstructive surgery when the surgery is incidental to or follows surgery resulting from trauma, 感染, 或相关部位的其他疾病, 和 reconstructive surgery because of congenital disease or anomaly resulting in a functional defect;
8. A period of legal incarceration in a penal or correctional institution of more than seven (7) days or during a period of legal detainment of more than seven (7) days; or
9. 企图自杀或故意自残.
限制. 以下限制适用于本保单:
1. 精神或神经紊乱. The total amount payable under this policy for any period of disability caused or contributed to by a mental or nervous disorder shall not exceed a cumulative lifetime maximum of 24 个月. If you are a resident patient in a hospital when this lifetime maximum is reached, this limitation will not apply while you remain continuously confined provided that the confinement is medically necessary to the treatment of your mental or nervous disorder. This limitation will not extend the maximum benefit period shown on the policy schedule.
2. 既存状况限制. 我们不会为因既存疾病而造成的损失支付赔偿金, unless such loss occurs or disability commences two (2) years or more after the effective date of coverage.
3. 并发残疾. If a continuous period of disability is caused or is continued by more than one (1) injury or sickness, 这是一种并发的残疾. Benefits for a concurrent disability will be paid as if the concurrent disability was caused by one (1) injury or one (1) sickness. In no event will you be considered to have more than one (1) continuous period of disability at the same time.
DE –
除外责任. This policy does not provide benefits for disability or any other loss caused or contributed to by:
1. Normal pregnancy 和 childbirth; however, 妊娠并发症, 由医生诊断的, 被视为疾病;
2. 宣战或未宣战的战争,或任何战争行为;
3. 现役军人在武装部队中服役, 辅助单位, 国民警卫队, 或任何国家或国际机构的类似政府组织;
4. 你参与重罪、暴动或暴动. 参与是参与或分享某事的行为, 暴乱是指扰乱几个人的安宁, assembled 和 acting with a common intent in executing a lawful or unlawful enterprise in a violent 和 turbulent manner;
5. 你从事非法职业;
6. 你的法定醉酒由损失发生的州法律规定, 或因使用麻醉品或其他管制药物而造成的损失, 除非根据医生的建议服用;
7. Injury or sickness that results from cosmetic surgery except: reconstructive surgery when the surgery is incidental to or follows surgery resulting from trauma, 感染, 或相关部位的其他疾病, 和 reconstructive surgery because of congenital disease or anomaly resulting in a functional defect;
8. A period of legal incarceration in a penal or correctional institution of more than seven (7) days or during a period of legal detainment of more than seven (7) days;
9. 企图自杀或故意自残; or
10. The suspension, surrender, or revocation of your occupational license or certificate.
限制. 以下限制适用于本保单:
1. 精神或神经紊乱. The total amount payable under this policy for any period of disability caused or contributed to by a mental or nervous disorder shall not exceed a cumulative lifetime maximum of 24 个月. If you are a resident patient in a hospital when this lifetime maximum is reached, this limitation will not apply while you remain continuously confined provided that the confinement is medically necessary to the treatment of your mental or nervous disorder. This limitation will not extend the maximum benefit period shown on the policy schedule.
2. 既存状况限制. 我们不会为因既存疾病而造成的损失支付赔偿金, unless such loss occurs or disability commences two (2) years or more after the effective date of coverage.
3. 并发残疾. If a continuous period of disability is caused or is continued by more than one (1) injury or sickness, 这是一种并发的残疾. Benefits for a concurrent disability will be paid as if the concurrent disability was caused by one (1) injury or one (1) sickness. In no event will you be considered to have more than one (1) continuous period of disability at the same time.
FL –
除外责任. This policy does not provide benefits for disability or any other loss caused or contributed to by:
1. Normal pregnancy 和 childbirth; however, 妊娠并发症, 由医生诊断的, 被视为疾病;
2. 宣战或未宣战的战争,或任何战争行为. 我们不会将恐怖主义行为解释为不宣而战的行为;
3. 现役军人在武装部队中服役, 辅助单位, 国民警卫队, 或任何国家或国际机构的类似政府组织;
4. 您参与重罪、暴乱或暴动的实施;
5. 你从事非法职业;
6. 你的法定醉酒由损失发生的州法律规定, 或因使用麻醉品或其他管制药物而造成的损失, 除非根据医生的建议服用;
7. Injury or sickness that results from cosmetic surgery except: reconstructive surgery when the surgery is incidental to or follows surgery resulting from trauma, 感染, 或相关部位的其他疾病, 和 reconstructive surgery because of congenital disease or anomaly resulting in a functional defect;
8. 监禁:在刑事或惩教机构的合法监禁期;
9. Attempted suicide, while sane or insane, or intentionally self-inflicted Injury; or
10. The suspension, surrender, or revocation of your occupational license or certificate.
限制. 以下限制适用于本保单:
1. 精神或神经紊乱. The total amount payable under this policy for any period of disability caused or contributed to by a mental or nervous disorder shall not exceed a cumulative lifetime maximum of 24 个月. If you are a resident patient in a hospital when this lifetime maximum is reached, this limitation will not apply while you remain continuously confined provided that the confinement is medically necessary to the treatment of your mental or nervous disorder. This limitation will not extend the maximum benefit period shown on the policy schedule.
2. 既存状况限制. 我们不会为因既存疾病而造成的损失支付赔偿金, unless such loss occurs or disability commences two (2) years or more after the effective date of coverage.
3. 并发残疾. If a continuous period of disability is caused or is continued by more than one (1) injury or sickness, 这是一种并发的残疾. Benefits for a concurrent disability will be paid as if the concurrent disability was caused by one (1) injury or one (1) sickness. In no event will you be considered to have more than one (1) continuous period of disability at the same time.
MT –
除外责任. This policy does not provide benefits for disability or any other loss caused or contributed to by:
1. 宣战或未宣战的战争,或任何战争行为;
2. 现役军人在武装部队中服役, 辅助单位, 国民警卫队, 或任何国家或国际机构的类似政府组织;
3. 您参与重罪、暴乱或暴动的实施;
4. 你从事非法职业;
5. Injury or sickness that results from cosmetic surgery except: reconstructive surgery when the surgery is incidental to or follows surgery resulting from trauma, 感染, 或相关部位的其他疾病, 和 reconstructive surgery because of congenital disease or anomaly resulting in a functional defect;
6. A period of legal incarceration in a penal or correctional institution of more than seven (7) days or during a period of legal detainment of more than seven (7) days; or
7. The suspension, surrender, or revocation of your occupational license or certificate.
限制. 以下限制适用于本保单:
1. 精神或神经紊乱. The total amount payable under this policy for any period of disability caused or contributed to by a mental or nervous disorder shall not exceed a cumulative lifetime maximum of 24 个月. If you are a resident patient in a hospital when this lifetime maximum is reached, this limitation will not apply while you remain continuously confined provided that the confinement is medically necessary to the treatment of your mental or nervous disorder. This limitation will not extend the maximum benefit period shown on the policy schedule.
2. 既存状况限制. 我们不会为因既存疾病而造成的损失支付赔偿金, unless such loss occurs or disability commences 12 个月 or more after the effective date of coverage.
3. 并发残疾. If a continuous period of disability is caused or is continued by more than one (1) injury or sickness, 这是一种并发的残疾. Benefits for a concurrent disability will be paid as if the concurrent disability was caused by one (1) injury or one (1) sickness. In no event will you be considered to have more than one (1) continuous period of disability at the same time.
ND –
除外责任. This policy does not provide benefits for disability or any other loss caused or contributed to by:
1. Normal pregnancy 和 childbirth; however, 妊娠并发症, 由医生诊断的, 被视为疾病;
2. 宣战或未宣战的战争,或任何战争行为;
3. 现役军人在武装部队中服役, 辅助单位, 国民警卫队, 或任何国家或国际机构的类似政府组织;
4. 您参与犯罪或暴动;
5. 你从事非法职业;
6. 你的法定醉酒由损失发生的州法律规定, 或因使用麻醉品或其他管制药物而造成的损失, 除非根据医生的建议服用;
7. Injury or sickness that results from cosmetic surgery except: reconstructive surgery when the surgery is incidental to or follows surgery resulting from trauma, 感染, 或相关部位的其他疾病, 和 reconstructive surgery because of congenital disease or anomaly resulting in a functional defect;
8. A period of legal incarceration in a penal or correctional institution of more than seven (7) days or during a period of legal detainment of more than seven (7) days;
9. 企图自杀或故意自残; or
10. The suspension, surrender, or revocation of your occupational license or certificate.
限制. 以下限制适用于本保单:
1. 精神或神经紊乱. The total amount payable under this policy for any period of disability caused or contributed to by a mental or nervous disorder shall not exceed a cumulative lifetime maximum of 24 个月. If you are a resident patient in a hospital when this lifetime maximum is reached, this limitation will not apply while you remain continuously confined provided that the confinement is medically necessary to the treatment of your mental or nervous disorder. This limitation will not extend the maximum benefit period shown on the policy schedule.
2. 既存状况限制. 我们不会为因既存疾病而造成的损失支付赔偿金, unless such loss occurs or disability commences two (2) years or more after the effective date of coverage.
3. 并发残疾. If a continuous period of disability is caused or is continued by more than one (1) injury or sickness, 这是一种并发的残疾. Benefits for a concurrent disability will be paid as if the concurrent disability was caused by one (1) injury or one (1) sickness. In no event will you be considered to have more than one (1) continuous period of disability at the same time.
NY –
除外责任. This policy does not provide benefits for disability or any other loss caused or contributed to by:
1. Normal pregnancy 和 childbirth; however, 妊娠并发症, 由医生诊断的, 被视为疾病;
2. 宣战或未宣战的战争,或任何战争行为;
3. 武装部队、辅助部队、国民警卫队现役军人;
4. 您参与重罪、暴乱或暴动的实施;
5. We shall not be liable for any loss to which a contributing cause was your commission of or attempt to commit a felony or to which a contributing cause was your being engaged in an illegal occupation;
6. Injury or sickness that results from cosmetic surgery except: reconstructive surgery when the surgery is incidental to or follows surgery resulting from trauma, 感染, 或相关部位的其他疾病, 和 reconstructive surgery because of congenital disease or anomaly resulting in a functional defect; or
7. 企图自杀或故意自残.
限制. 以下限制适用于本保单:
1. 精神或神经紊乱. The total amount payable under this policy for any period of disability caused or contributed to by a mental or nervous disorder shall not exceed a cumulative lifetime maximum of 24 个月. If you are a resident patient in a hospital when this lifetime maximum is reached, this limitation will not apply while you remain continuously confined provided that the confinement is medically necessary to the treatment of your mental or nervous disorder. This limitation will not extend the maximum benefit period shown on the policy schedule.
2. 既存状况限制. 我们不会为因既存疾病而造成的损失支付赔偿金, unless such loss occurs or disability commences two (2) years or more after the effective date of coverage.
3. 并发残疾. If a continuous period of disability is caused or is continued by more than one (1) injury or sickness, 这是一种并发的残疾. Benefits for a concurrent disability will be paid as if the concurrent disability was caused by one (1) injury or one (1) sickness. In no event will you be considered to have more than one (1) continuous period of disability at the same time.
SD –
除外责任. This policy does not provide benefits for disability or any other loss caused or contributed to by:
1. Normal pregnancy 和 childbirth; however, 妊娠并发症, 由医生诊断的, 被视为疾病;
2. 宣战或未宣战的战争,或任何战争行为;
3. 现役军人在武装部队中服役, 辅助单位, 国民警卫队, 或任何国家或国际机构的类似政府组织;
4. 犯罪:在犯罪过程中造成的伤害或疾病;
5. 你从事非法职业;
6. Injury or sickness that results from cosmetic surgery except: reconstructive surgery when the surgery is incidental to or follows surgery resulting from trauma, 感染, 或相关部位的其他疾病, 和 reconstructive surgery because of congenital disease or anomaly resulting in a functional defect;
7. A period of legal incarceration in a penal or correctional institution of more than seven (7) days or during a period of legal detainment of more than seven (7) days;
8. 企图自杀或故意自残; or
9. The suspension, surrender, or revocation of your occupational license or certificate.
限制. 以下限制适用于本保单:
1. 精神或神经紊乱. The total amount payable under this policy for any period of disability caused or contributed to by a mental or nervous disorder shall not exceed a cumulative lifetime maximum of 24 个月. If you are a resident patient in a hospital when this lifetime maximum is reached, this limitation will not apply while you remain continuously confined provided that the confinement is medically necessary to the treatment of your mental or nervous disorder. This limitation will not extend the maximum benefit period shown on the policy schedule.
2. 既存状况限制. 我们不会为因既存疾病而造成的损失支付赔偿金 during the first 12 个月 after the effective date of coverage.
3. 并发残疾. If a continuous period of disability is caused or is continued by more than one (1) injury or sickness, 这是一种并发的残疾. Benefits for a concurrent disability will be paid as if the concurrent disability was caused by one (1) injury or one (1) sickness. In no event will you be considered to have more than one (1) continuous period of disability at the same time.
WY –
除外责任. This policy does not provide benefits for disability or any other loss caused or contributed to by:
1. Normal pregnancy 和 childbirth; however, 妊娠并发症, 由医生诊断的, 被视为疾病;
2. 宣战或未宣战的战争,或任何战争行为;
3. 现役军人在武装部队中服役, 辅助单位, 国民警卫队, 或任何国家或国际机构的类似政府组织;
4. 您参与重罪、暴乱或暴动的实施;
5. 你从事非法职业;
6. 你的法定醉酒由损失发生的州法律规定, 或因使用麻醉品或其他管制药物而造成的损失, 除非根据医生的建议服用;
7. Injury or sickness that results from cosmetic surgery except: reconstructive surgery when the surgery is incidental to or follows surgery resulting from trauma, 感染, 或相关部位的其他疾病, 和 reconstructive surgery because of congenital disease or anomaly resulting in a functional defect;
8. A period of legal incarceration in a penal or correctional institution of more than seven (7) days or during a period of legal detainment of more than seven (7) days;
9. 企图自杀或故意自残; or
10. The suspension, surrender, or revocation of your occupational license or certificate.
限制. 以下限制适用于本保单:
1. 精神或神经紊乱. The total amount payable under this policy for any period of disability caused or contributed to by a mental or nervous disorder shall not exceed a cumulative lifetime maximum of 24 个月. If you are a resident patient in a hospital when this lifetime maximum is reached, this limitation will not apply while you remain continuously confined provided that the confinement is medically necessary to the treatment of your mental or nervous disorder. This limitation will not extend the maximum benefit period shown on the policy schedule.
2. 既存状况限制. 我们不会为因既存疾病而造成的损失支付赔偿金, unless such loss occurs or disability commences 12 个月 or more after the effective date of coverage.
3. 并发残疾. If a continuous period of disability is caused or is continued by more than one (1) injury or sickness, 这是一种并发的残疾. Benefits for a concurrent disability will be paid as if the concurrent disability was caused by one (1) injury or one (1) sickness. In no event will you be considered to have more than one (1) continuous period of disability at the same time.