Some vehicle 和 personal information along with a brief driving history will help 确定你的pp王者电子官网范围、免赔额及保单费用.
- Year, make, model, body style or VIN (车辆 Information Number)
- 里程
- 所有权
- 车库的地址
- 注册船东名称
- 先前的pp王者电子官网公司和到期日
- 购买日期
- 司机姓名和出生日期
- 驾驶执照号码和签发状态
- 机票及事故记录
- License挂起信息
- 机票及事故记录
- License挂起信息
与 很多省钱的方法州立农场可以帮你做预算.
开车安全 & 保存TM
Under 25 years of age without any at-fault accidents or moving violations within the past 3 years? 你可以节省多达20%.4
取得好成绩可以为你节省高达25%的费用. And the savings last after you graduate from college, until you turn 25.
说到汽车pp王者电子官网,你有 大量的pp王者电子官网选择. 州立pp王者电子官网公司可以帮你找到合适的pp王者电子官网范围. We’ll also help you find out how much auto pp王者电子官网 you might need. pp王者电子官网范围因州和您的选择而异.
When your vehicle hits another object, or overturns in an accident, you may be covered with 碰撞pp王者电子官网.
选择 综合pp王者电子官网 for when your vehicle's stolen or damaged by something other than collision or rolling over, 比如火灾造成的损害, 风, 冰雹, 洪水, 盗窃等等.
When damage that's covered by your comprehensive or 碰撞pp王者电子官网 has your 车 undrivable or in the repair shop, 车 租赁还款 可以帮助支付租车的费用吗.
When you use your personal 车 to drive for a ridesharing company like Uber or Lyft, 帮助保护您的车辆 rideshare覆盖.
与 紧急道路服务, we'll pay for the common, reasonable expenses you need to get your covered vehicle back in service.
从 没有pp王者电子官网 or 汽车pp王者电子官网不足 to 医疗支付, 责任pp王者电子官网,发现我们所有的 可用选项.
您可以在我们19家酒店中的任何一家享受个性化服务,000 agents nationwide 和 your claim will be h和led promptly 和 reliably.
For 100 years we’ve had the financial strength to help people manage the risks of everyday life. 这就是做一个好邻居的全部意义.
家里来了个新司机? 有人求着借车? 在交出钥匙之前,确保钥匙上有 青少年汽车pp王者电子官网.
要不要在租赁柜台的那个方框里打勾. 这可能是浪费钱,也可能是明智之举. 了解更多关于 租车pp王者电子官网 来帮助你做出决定.
把车顶放下来,听引擎的咕噜声. 你的美可能需要特别护理. 让我们帮你做 为你的跑车投保 更便宜的.
你的宝宝有历史兴趣,需要一个 古董和老爷车政策 自成一体. 如果是10到24年前的,那就是经典. 如果它更老的话,那是一件珍贵的古董.
Whether you use your own 车 or a fleet of pickups, box trucks 和 even trailers, we offer 小型商务车 保障-责任, 人身伤害/医疗, comprehensive, collision coverage 和 more — to help keep your business moving forward.
Browse numerous articles from Simple Insights on tips from what we’ve learned in the nearly 100 years we’ve been insuring drivers like yourself.
覆盖选项, 免赔额, 折扣可能会影响你的保单成本, 还有你的驾驶记录, 信用评分(如法律允许), 以及其他第三方报告.
这取决于你的驾驶记录. You may be considered a high-risk driver if convicted of a DUI or have multiple violations such as speeding tickets. 最近的历史是最重要的因素.
不仅关注你所在的州, but also your local community for a good neighbor agent who will help show you coverage 和 savings that may fit your needs 和 your 预算.
你可以提供一个电话号码, 保单号码, payment plan account number or key code along with date of birth 和 we’ll fetch your bill online.
As long as you have all required information 和 go through the application process, 覆盖可以立即开始. For the most accurate quote, you’ll need to know your 车’s make, model, mileage, year. We’ll also need to know a little about you 和 your driving history.
* 个人保费和预算因客户而异. 所有申请人须符合承保要求.
1 Average annual per household savings based on a 2022 national survey by 国营农场 of new policyholders who reported savings by switching to 国营农场.
2 Customers may always choose to purchase only one policy but the discount for two or more purchases of different lines of pp王者电子官网 will not then apply. 储蓄, discount names, percentages, availability 和 eligibility may vary by state.
3 折扣 may exceed 30% 和 vary state-to-state (New York capped at 30%). 不适用于CA, MA, RI. 纽约不提供安吉星服务. A discount may not be available in North Carolina, depending on individual facts 和 circumstances. 应用内设置与信标需要移动.
4 Discount names, percentages, availability 和 eligibility may vary by state. 联系你的州立农场代理确认折扣资格.
国营农场 (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates) is not responsible for, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, any third party products or the content of any third party sites referenced in this material. 国营农场 has no discretion to alter, update, or control the content on the third party sites. Any references to such sites are provided for informational purposes only 和 are not a solicitation to buy or sell any of the products which may be referenced on such third party sites. 州立农场不保证其适销性, 健身, or quality of the third party products referenced in this material.
Please remember that the preceding descriptions contain only a general description of available coverages 和 are not a statement of contract. All coverages are subject to all policy provisions 和 applicable endorsements. 覆盖范围可能因州而异. To learn more about auto pp王者电子官网 coverage in your state, find a 州立农场代理.